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執筆者の写真Hiroshige FUJII

Conference Presentations「アフリカと国際刑事裁判所をめぐる関係性についての実証研究 ―アフリカ連合とローマ規程締約国会議での議論に着目して―」等

I made presentations below in Seoul, South Korea and Niigata, Japan. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.

1. "A Localized Approach to Implementing the SDGs through Collaborative Efforts between University and Municipality" in the 19th Trilateral East Asian Seminar on the United Nations System,  9 Nov 2019.  


2. 「アフリカと国際刑事裁判所をめぐる関係性についての実証研究 ―アフリカ連合とローマ規程締約国会議での議論に着目して―」"International Criminal Court and Africa: The Analysis of the Role of African Union and the ASP" in 2019 Autumn Conference of the Peace Studies Association of Japan, 3 Nov 2019.




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