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F's Seminar 2023

  • Reona FUKUHARA  (M2)

  • Ayaka SAKAKIBARA (M2)

  • Kakeru KIKUCHI (M1)

  • WANG YUXUAN (Research Student)

  • Magda Yukari HAGIYA CORREDO (B4)

  • Daichi KONO (B3)

  • Haruna TSUTSUMI (B3)

  • Miyu NISHIMURA (B3)

  • Hitomi HANATSUKA (B2)

  • Observer Participation: UIPJ (B2/B1)


2019幎3月20日氎14時00分-15時30分 宇郜宮倧孊峰キャンパス ラヌニングコモンズ2号通棟2階 にお第6回藀井研究宀公開セミナヌを開催をしたす。

今回は、囜連開発蚈画UNDPより田邉宙倧氏をお招き「囜際協力でのキャリア圢成ず囜連の防灜事業」ず題しお埡講話を頂きたす。 たた、叞䌚を䞭野零士囜際3幎ず犏原玲斌茄囜際2幎が、コメンテヌタヌを井手之䞊健倪囜際2幎ず暪山友茝囜際2幎 が務めたす。皆様ぜひご参加ください。


Reona Fukuhara (B2)

On January 19th and 20th 2019, I took part in the 39th Refugee Assistant Training Course which was organized by the Japan Association for Refugees (JAR). Around 100 people participated, and most of them have working experiences. This course has three goals; the understanding of “Japanese current condition and practice to refugee asylum”, “The role of civil society and NGO” and “International protection standard for refugees and relief activity.” In order to achieve these goals, this course provided opportunities to learn from lawyers, members of academia and refugees. Through this course, I was able to understand about the status of refugees from a lot of perspective. In this report, I would like to share what I learned.

On the first day, I learned about the international and Japanese protection standards for refugees. The instructor was Ms, Komai who has been involved in legal protection of refugees. This lecture mainly focused on the rate of refugee status determination and the problems with the legal system. According to UNHCR Global Trends, advanced countries, namely Germany, USA and France, accept refugees, and their rate of refugee status determination is from 17% to 40%. However, Japanese government formally recognizes only 20 refugees and its rate is 0.2%. This is because Japanese government imposes strict and complicated standards on refugees. Most refugees flee from their country with only the clothes on their back. It is hard for them to bring their identity card, such as a passport and an insurance card or evidences that show their refugee status. Also, most refugees have trauma. Ms, Komai pointed out this situation. It is easy to understand that the refugees who have trauma have some challenges to testify in court everything that they have experienced. She appealed for the necessity to imagine their mental situation.

On the second day, I learned about the social integration of refugees in Germany. In this lecture, we focused on how we treat refugees in our society. I was really impressed with the presence of mentors. Mentors are people who support refugees in a community, especially rural areas where they live. For example, mentors help refugees to learn languages, support their daily life, relate with the local people. It helps refugees. It is expected that refugees will contribute to the German society. This is a great model that we can incorporate into the Japanese refugee system. If there is a relationship between mentor and refugees, we would realize that the acceptance of refugee is not a burden on Japanese society.

Through this course, I found that there are a lot of issues regarding refugees. It might be difficult for us to change the legal system regarding refugees immediately. However, we can start by changing our attitude toward them. It depends on our awareness. I would like to learn about refugee protection more and be a mentor like those in Germany, so that one day we will be able to freely welcome refugees into our country with open arms.

(These are materials of this course. In the left side, you can see the flyer which advertises a charity event (

If you have an interest, please participate!)

Reiji Nakano(B3)

Happy New Year!! This winter is the last winter of Heisei. Heisei ends in this April and next Gengo starts from May 2019. Do you know the meaning of Gengo? It is the first time to change Gengo in my life, so I’d like to think about Gengo in this essay.

According to Tokoro, Kure and Yoshino (2018), Gengo is one of the chronology method which comes from China. In China, people counted years by naming the year when Emperor succeeded to the throne. The name of Gengo relates auspicious things, so the Kanji which was used in Gengo has good meaning, for example, æ°ž(ei=eternity), 建(ken=build), and 和(wa=peace). This system was established by Han dynasty (BC202~AD8, AD25~220). While Korea, Vietnam and Japan introduced Gengo in addition to China, Japan is the only state still uses Gengo.

The first Japanese original Gengo is 倧化(taika) in 645. After that 247 Gengoes were used in Japan. Gengo was frequently changed when unlucky things happened such as earthquake, famine and fire. Since 1868, Gengo has been used by one emperor (䞀䞖䞀元の制). The emperor abdicates the throne at the end of April, so Heisei ends and new Gengo starts in May 2019.

Then, what is the next Gengo? According to Gengo law, Gengo is created by some experts commissioned by the prime minister and decided by a cabinet meeting. Gengo has some conditions. For example, Gengo has good meaning, is constituted by two Kanjis, can easily read and write. Gengo was based on Chinese classic. By the way, Heisei(平成) is the abbreviation for 内平倖成or地平倩成. It means domestic(内) and foreign(倖) become(成) peaceful(å¹³). I can’t imagine next Gengo, but I wish next era became peaceful and happy time.


These days I’m absorbed in a novel. The title is Tenno Kumiai which means emperor union in English. It’s the story of self-proclaimed emperors in Japan right after World War Ⅱ. They make union and insist on abdication of Emperor Hirohito to become emperor themselves. This is a very funny novel. If you have a free time, please read it.


Tokoro. Kure. Yoshino. (2018). Gengo. Tokyo, Japan: Bunngeisyunnjyuu.

NHK News Web ( 2019/02/09.

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